Competition entry, re-branding Royal Mail for if the Monarchy was no more. Having considered all traditions, and the loyalty customers receive from the service, the name would be changed to My Mail. Rebranding not only allows to room to update visuals and identity, but the overall customer experience.
After a great deal of research, conclusions were made to remove all information placed on the packaging, be that written address or stamps, etc. The new system being that of a Mailmark, which acts as a QR code, storing all important information, such as details of the sender, receiver and contents. This Mailmark is generated using a tessellated diamond pattern, which links back to the brands identity, and representation of a parcel.
The Mailmark covers the packaging, creating an intriguing visual which will stand out, with the hope to encourage more people to use post as a way of communication. In relation to the colours, they are generated by those found in the coat of arms from individual cities across the UK.
All packaging allows for the least amount of waste and excessive use. The rolls of corrugated cardboard are perorated, meaning that one tears off as much as is needed, in order to make the box to fit the item. Furthermore, for smaller packages, the item is placed between two sheets of bubblewrap lined paper, before being sealed and cut by the machine. This same approach is used for envelopes also.
Relating back to the colour schemes. The three main colours selected from each coat of arms, creates a Local My Mail service. Covering the vans and uniforms in supergraphics, fits with the loud visuals and use of colour. Additionally, one main colour is chosen for the triangle found in the logo.
As promotion, when the new brand would launch, everyone would be sent a diamond. These could then be placed on either the van or the new portacabin post offices in their local area. This community engagement would create something quite playful and unique. Portacabin have been chosen due to their adaptability and simple link to the idea of being portable - one giant parcel.
Alongside the scannable packages, My Mail would update its service to allow for a more personal experience. The application, downloadable on any device, enables an individual profile. From here customers can set up details to send items, before heading to their nearest post office, and track parcels by scanning Mailmarks or entering codes. This system makes sure all mail is secure and in one place, in the hands of the customer.